Chinese| English| Japanese| Korean
Scenic Area Introduction
Deng’s Life Story
Scenic Spot Introduction
The South Gate
Baihua Lake
Deng Shaochang
Deng Xiaoping’s Bronze
   Statue Square
Deng Xiaoping’s Former
   Residence Museum
The Movie Theatre at
   Deng Xiaoping Guju
   Exhibition Hall
The Old Well of the Dengs’
The Grazing Pasture
The Six Trees Scenic Spot
Deng Xiaoping's Former
The Ink-stone-washing Pond
The Cocoonery Courtyard
The Clean Water Pond
The Tombstone Scenic Spot
The Memorial Archway for
   Benevolent Rule
The Old Tree Scenic Spot
The Hanlin Academician
Heritage Photos
Tour Guide
Tour Notes

The Tombstone Scenic Spot

       The Tombstone was granted by imperial mandate during the reign of Emperor Jiaqing (1796-1820) in honour of the merits and virtues of Deng Shimin, Deng Xiaoping’s progenitor. Deng Shimin, whose courtesy name was “Wenming” and byname was Meng’yan, passed the provincial civil service examination in the tenth year of Emperor Yongzheng’s reign. In 1736 (the 1st year of Emperor Qianlong’s reign), Deng Shimin passed the highest imperial examinations and was appointed to the Imperial Academy as archivist on the seventh rank. Later, he was promoted to the fifth rank as a bachelor in charge of compiling and editing literary and historical classics. Finally, in 1745 (the 10th year of Emperor Qianlong’s reign), he was promoted to the third rank as the highest judicial officer (equivalent to President of the Supreme People's Court). In his official career, he was well known for his good reputation of fidelity, impartiality, integrity and determination as well as distinguished achievement record. Due to his senior age, he retired from office and returned to private life in his native place and died at home. After his death, he was granted the title of “Grand Master for Thorough Service” by imperial mandate.
       The Tombstone Scenic Spot is 500 meters away from Deng Xiaoping Former Residence. The tombstone, about five meters in height, is engraved with characters meaning “The Tombstone of Mr. Deng, the title of ‘Grand Master for Thorough Service” and “President of the Supreme People's Court’ granted posthumously by imperial mandate”. The tombstone is placed over an animal that resembles a turtle, called “Bixi”, supernatural being. Legend has it that it is Dragon King's ninth son. On either side of the tombstone stands a baluster, carved with very beautiful patterns of clouds and dragons. On the top of each baluster squads a stone lion. Unfortunately, the original tombstone was destroyed in the Cultural Revolution. The current tombstone was rebuilt in 2000, and completed in March, 2003.
       The Tombstone, too, was the place Deng Xiaoping, as a child, used to visit. A story goes that at that time, children were forbidden to climb upon the back of “Bixi” to play for fear of irritating gods, or causing trouble. However, Deng Xiaoping wouldn’t believe it. While playing with his friends, he said, “How could a stone turtle be that powerful? I just can’t believe it! I’m gonna climb upon it and have a look! ” Thus, Deng Xiaoping became the first child to dare to climb up the tombstone. The story fully proves that Deng Xiaoping had the courage to try and break the routine early in his childhood as well as the undaunted spirit of seeking truth from facts.

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